2023 Exhibition

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Hyphen Survey Retrospective Exhibition 2023

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45th Annual November Exhibition

This year’s exhibition is a celebration of two personal milestones. It marks a dedication of 55 years as an Australian potter and also my 45th Annual November Exhibition here in Yackandandah (after relocating from Melbourne in 1974). The passion to create good pots is still strong even though the body is not quite as resilient […]

44th Annual November Exhibition

43rd Annual November Exhibition

Slowing, not stopping! ** December 5th until December 13th 2020.** 9am till 5pm each day. 225 Kirbys Flat Road. Yackandandah. Victoria. 3749. ph. 0417220025 I hope that this finds you well, surviving this very difficult year. Like much of SE Australia our year began with a very intense fire season, and then Covid came into […]

41st Easter Tableware exhibition postponed

. John Dermer 41st Easter Tableware exhibition postponed Regretfully, we feel we must postpone this year’s Tablewear Exhibition in light of the current situation. The pots will be ready, and will be available when the virus situation eases allowing for travel. We wish all our loyal customer good health in this trying time.

NGV survey exhibition

From the 12th April until the 6th of October 2019, the National Gallery of Victoria ran a survey exhibition of John’s work. Read the article by Gaye Pattison and Allison Jess on the ABC (Goulburn Murray) News site at this link, or archived below. In conjunction with the exhibition the NGV also produced this short […]

50th Year Exhibition

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2018 Exhibition

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2016 Exhibition

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